Saturday 20 June 2015

Life Recently: NYC, Day One!

Hi, everyone! Long time, no talk! I was in NYC earlier this week and, instead of rushing to schedule several posts while I was away, I decided to talk a half-week break from the blog. It was a nice little breather, but now I'm here to share my short, but sweet vacation with you!

For those of you who are my Facebook friends, you'll know that Monday, our intended first day of the trip, was a nightmare. First, there was heavy fog in Toronto, then thunderstorms at Newark airport, then a foggy resurgence in Toronto, all of which kept us grounded. Long story short, we were supposed to get to our NYC hotel at around 2pm on Monday afternoon; instead, we checked in at midnight. Our entire first day had evaporated, which was such a helpless, frustrating feeling. So although our 3-day trip was not cut down to 2, we were determined to rest up and make Tuesday and Wednesday incredible!

As I've mentioned in previous posts, New York City is my all-time favourite place to visit, and I've done so several times. My parents, on the other hand, have never been to the Big Apple, so I was thrilled to be their tour guide! Our first day in the city brought us to Times Square, Midtown, and Central Park. Hope you enjoy these peeks into our adventure! 

Our first stop was to Times Square. Can you tell I was beyond excited to finally be in the city?!

We popped into the Times Square Toys R' Us and my Mom fell in love with the T-Rex :)

Taking in Times Square for the first time (aren't my parents adorable?!)

Gorgeous old church just off of Times Square

The three amigos >3

Gorgeous midtown sculpture

Radio City!

St. Patrick's Cathedral takes my breath away every time

Inside St. Pat's. Even with all the restoration going on, it's a thing of beauty! 

30 Rock!

Happy Tourists :)

Check out those abs! 

The Sak's 5th Ave Beauty Department was in full bloom! 

Then we went to the Central Park Zoo! Was my first time as well. This bear was pretty badass :)

The snow leopard came right down to us and "meowed" for about 5 minutes!

What a beauty! 

Sleeping bear- look at those claws! 
The Sea Lions were seriously chilling. I loved them! 
Snow monkey! 

After we left the zoo, it started absolutely pouring in Central Park!

After a soggy amble, we made it to Strawberry Fields! Mecca for my Beatles-crazed Dad!

Soaked, but happy to be there! 

Imagine selfie :)

Despite our utter frustration on Monday, I think we turned things around nicely- Tuesday was a fun, busy success!! Look out for photos of Day 2 in NYC coming soon! 

Hope you're having a fantastic weekend :)


  1. great post ! looks like you had a great time :)

  2. Looks like you guys had a good time! I love NYC. Hey Jenn where is your dress from? It looks great on you!

    1. Thanks so much! I got it at Old Navy last summer :)

  3. I am IN LOVE with that snow leopard! AWWWWWW!

    I was so disappointed for you that the trip was cut short by the stupid travel delays. That's so frustrating since it's not like you were going to be there an entire week! Despite the annoyance (to put it mildly) it looks like you had a wonderful time!

    1. Thanks for all the well wishes the day we were grounded at the airport! It was ultra frustrating, but we still made the most of it. And the snow leopard was amazing! He came right up to the front and 'talked' to us for a while :)

  4. Aww such a lovely family trip, you all look so relaxed and happy! I've never been to the zoo, but it's definitely on my list for the next visit because of the adorable sea lion.

    1. The zoo was well worth it! It's quite small, but each animal there was super interesting and adorable :)

  5. I feel your pain about delayed flights, our flight was delayed out of Sydney causing us to miss our connection at lax and meant we missed our first day too. Boo. You packed a whole lot into one day though! I adore NYC and can't wait for my next visit xx
    The Beauty Bloss

    1. Ah, travelling can be so frustrating when delays are involved, but we really did make the most out of it! xo

  6. So much fun, New York City is one of my absolute favourite places in the world. You look gorgeous in the maxi too, by the way!

  7. Such sweet pictures, I wish I was in New York x

    1. Thanks, Coco! I could visit every month, I love it so much :)

  8. Great pictures! I'm sorry that the start on the holiday was kinda of a bummer!

  9. Lovely post Jen, can't wait to read your haul post, I love NYC xx

    1. Thanks! Hope you're having an amazing time on your trip :)

  10. Oh how awesome! I've never been but I would loooove to go to NYC one day. Very cool pics from the zoo. You look great in that maxi dress by the way.

    1. Thanks so much, Melissa! And you have to visit NYC- it really is the best! xo

  11. i'm so glad you guys made the most of the rest of your vacation. i was falling the awful play situation via porter. omg! i still need to really explore central park. its so huge!! maybe one day, i'll visit again and drag david with me.

    1. You totally should! Central Park really is gorgeous in summertime. And thanks for sending all your good vibes the day we were grounded :)

  12. I love seeing all your pictures! I'm glad you were able to make the best of a hard situation! I've never been to New York but it's high on my list!

    1. Thanks, Melanie! You really need to visit- it's the best! xo

  13. Love the pictures! Really want to visit NYC someday! :)

    1. Thanks! It's definitely a must-visit. Such a magical city! xo

  14. great photos! It sucks that a whole day was missed, but it seems like you and your family still got a great trip! I was planning a weekend trip up to New York to check out Ithaca and Syracuse... but maybe I could convince the others to come to the big city for a day ;)

  15. Your parents ARE adorable!

  16. Ah, so jealous--I haven't been to NYC since I was ~11/12, but it seems like the place everyone wants to be. Totally sucks that your first day was ruined though--I've had my fair share of being stranded at airports and in ACTUAL planes due to weather, but I'm glad your parents still enjoyed themselves! I JUST WANT TO GO TO CENTRAL PARK, DAMNIT.


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