Saturday 3 January 2015

2015 Beauty Radar + Resolutions

Hi, everyone! Hope your 2015 is off to a fabulous start! Today's post is a bit of an odd couple: a beauty wishlist paired with some shopping resolutions. While the two may seem incompatible, I'm hoping that I'll be able to meld them together perfectly this year. As a certified beauty addict, I do not want to deprive myself of my biggest vice and passion. There are so many beautiful products out there, and I want to enjoy them! That said, I acquired a silly amount of products in 2014, and I want to make sure that all the amazing goodies in my stash get good use. Plus, my wallet isn't bottomless! 

So here we have it- the products that are tempting me most, followed by the guidelines that I hope will keep my hauling in check this year. A true yin and yang! 

Biggest Cravings
NARS Audacious Lipsticks
I have one of these in Grace and totally love it. The shade range and formula are both so impressive, I definitely need more! 
Hourglass Modernist Eye Shadow Palette
This is perhaps the prettiest shadow palette I've seen! Pretty sure they come in 4 different shade varieties- it will be hard not to snag them all!
Omorovicza Thermal Cleansing Balm
I've been lusting after this deep black soothing makeup remover for a while now. Have heard nothing but good things and it sounds so luxurious! 
NARS NARSissist Dual Intensity Eye Shadow Palette
I have yet to buy any of these gorgeous shadows, so this palette seems like the perfect opportunity and at a better value! 
Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palette in Dolce Vita
This gorgeous eye shadow quad has been tops on my wishlist for months now. The shades of bronze and copper just scream to me! This is going to happen soon :)
Tom Ford Lips and Boys
Love that these are mini-sized, and thus more affordable. The shade range is amazing and I have my eye on a few! 
Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel
Another cleanser I've heard nothing but raves about. Have been super impressed by the Oskia goodies I've tried so far, so have no doubt this will also be fab!
Lipstick Queen Velvet Rope Lipsticks
I've been wanting to try this brand for ages, and everything about these lipsticks screams luxury.
Burberry Sheer Eye Shadows
Just as my Burberry cravings grew strong, the brand was removed from Toronto shops. Since I always want what I can't have, I'll be stalking these this year! 
Colbert MD Stimulate The Serum
I got a sample of this at SpaceNK a year ago and remember being totally impressed. It's quite pricey, but perhaps worth the investment!
By Terry Crayon Kohl Terrybly
I love this brand and am digging the look of these. Fun, vibrant shades and intense pigmentation. Come to mama.
Pai Copaiba & Zinc Perfect Balance Blemish Serum
This is another brand that blew me away last year and the sounds of a gentle, yet effective acne serum sounds so up my alley and just perfect for my skin!

1) One Makeup Purchase per Month!
No-buys never work (at least for me) and I don't want to spend the year feeling totally deprived. That said, I do not want to double my stash this year either! What I do want is to zone in on the products that are truly exciting to me, that are unique in my collection, and that I'll use all the time. My ultimate goal, then, is to purchase one product per month and leave it at that! I know it won't be perfect (I can foresee a single haul containing more than one item at times), but I will do my best to really focus on the one product that's making me geek out the most that month. 
2) One In, One Out Policy with Skin Care
My skin care cupboard is full. Like, overflowing full. I absolutely love buying new cleansers, masks, and serums, but I'm at the point where any new additions will sit unused. I can only use so many products at once! Given this, I will aim to buy new skin care products only when one is completely spent. For instance, I will only buy a new face wash after I have finished another. New skin care purchases can be luxe, if wanted, but will only be made after something else has ended up in the bin! 
3) Make Yoga Happen
This isn't fully beauty-related, but it most certainly relates to my overall well-being. I of course want to exercise more often this year in general (we have a gym in our building that I visit rarely, sheesh), but regardless of this, I want to make sure that I hit my yoga mat at least twice per week. Yoga is not only a fabulous workout, there is nothing else that makes me feel so strong, relaxed, and grounded. I have found some promising instructional videos on YouTube (yes, free- I have no excuse) and am looking forward to starting a regular practice. 

So there it is- cravings and resolutions. Ying and yang. May 2015 be a year of balance!

What's on your wishlist at the moment? Do you have any New Years resolutions?

Thanks for stopping by! xo


  1. Happy New Year! I think the Hourglass Palettes are the only thing on my list for sure, although that NARS palette looks awesome too!
    And good luck with your goals! I tried to do the yoga thing but LOL it hurts too much hahaha!

    1. Haha, thanks, Tracy! I'm soo excited about the Hourglass palettes :)

  2. So many great looking and sounding things! I'm not sure how I would do with the makeup per month! And yoga sounds great! I'm hoping my work starts that up in the morning =)

  3. These are some awesome resolutions. For whatever reason the NARS shadows don't appeal but you'll be happy to know you can get the Burberry cosmetics at the Burberry store on blood street

    1. Haha, as you know, due to this comment I marched on up to the Burberry store in a snow storm that very day :)

  4. Yay, finally some Hourglass and Nars releases I don't have to have LOL. The Hourglass scares me and I already have the only three dual intensity shades that I'd use from that palette.
    I agree that limiting it to one product per month is more realistic than a no-buy. And working out is always awesome!!
    This year I would like to drastically cut makeup collecting too; be more ciritical about buying shades I already have (how many purple or brown eye pencils can one woman have?) and throw out some stuff I haven't used for a year but cannot bring myself to part with.
    I am really good about skincare already; I only repurchase when something finishes and I have no excess. Sigh of relief!

    1. Phew! All sounds like a great plan for 2015 :)

  5. Hourglass and Charlotte Tilburry are killing me with all their gorgeous releases. Ignorance was bliss lol

  6. Those are some delicious cravings you got there... :-) Good luck with your resolutions! They sound very sensible.

  7. Some good resolutions there - I especially like the buying one item per month, and using up skincare items before buying another. I tend to jump on the bandwagon with those, and have many items I haven't used up as I have so many sitting around. I do have to say I bought a load of Charlotte Tilbury items last year when Beautylish launched the line, and really love them. The Dolce Vita palette was one of the eyeshadow palettes I bought and it is really lovely - it and the Golden Goddess palette are my go-to palettes. Happy New Year! :)

  8. I don't know about the 1 prodcut a month thing for me, but I do want to get better at buying things I'm actually going to use! I tend to use my luxe/highend stuff over other things, so maybe saving up and splurging every now and then over buying a lot of other stuff might be a start! I definitely need more NARS lipsticks though... and the Hourglass Green Palette looked awesome!

    1. Yes, that sounds like a good plan! And all the Hourglass palettes look amazing :)

  9. I think that this decision of one product per month is really reasonable...and sometimes you can allow yourself more than one but still keep yourself from having too much products...I have a similar policy with clothes, I don't buy them that often, I only buy something when I really need it...last year I have been so good with it, that maybe this year I should apply the one item per month policy just not to lose my shopping mojo completely...right now it's not a problem for me to go month without buying anything!

  10. When I make make up I always consult friends (because I'm not so good with it) and that also helps not hauling too much products and buying what I really need and is good for me...from people more knowledgeable about beauty products than myself I've always got excellent advice what to buy for my own skin type, lash type etc.

  11. That Nars palette is so gorgoeus I can't even stand it LOL! Wonderful resolutions for this year, Jen! I did my first yoga class a few weeks ago and it was amazing!

  12. Happy New Year, lovely! Those are some great resolutions and are pretty similar to what I'm thinking of beauty-wise too! Maybe we can be resolution buddies, haha.

    1. Yes, definitely! Social support definitely helps when it comes to sticking to my guns :)

  13. Great picks, I love the Nars eye shadow palette. Happy new year.

  14. Hey Jennifer, you've got some truly covetable stuff on that wish list! I say try the Omorovicza cleanser, the Pai serum (need to write my review soon), the Burberry eyeshadows, and some Lips & Boys! I think the one product every month goal is very sober and doable (with a lot of self-restraint). Good luck with that! Have an excellent 2015 xx

    1. Thanks, Sunny! I'll keep your product suggestions in mind cus I know you have great taste :)

  15. You'll love yoga if you start it, trust me! So relaxing :)


  16. Oh my word those Hourglass and Nars shadow palettes! *Herat eyed emoji!* I can honestly resist anything but a good shadow palette, they're sic a weakness! I can always justify who they're better value for money and end up buying too many of them! i definitely want to cut down on my beauty buying this year as well, so might steal your 1 purchase a month idea!

    1. I'm the same way with shadow palettes- I did buy quite a few last year, so hoping this year isn't quite as bad :)

  17. I use to always do yoga but turned to pilates instead, really enjoy that :)
    Loving these shades of lipstick :)
    Would you like to follow eachother on bloglovin & twitter? Let us know :D

  18. so much amazing products!
    Cant wait for your awesome contents this year.
    I love ya!
    Keep em coming.

  19. I love these colors!
    Melanie @

  20. i love these resolutions! i have similar ones! particularly the yoga one! i need to incorporate it into my weekly routine 2x a week as well! i subscribe to an online yoga video service that has great videos ( but i pay 15$ a month and tend to not use it! lol good to know theres others who want to work on it too! i also want to take better care of my skin, i tend to neglect it and went and bought a cleanser and toner yesterday and making myself take care of my skin!
    - Andrea

    1. These sound like great resolutions too! xo

  21. I have the same 'one in, one out' policy, especially for clothes right now -things are getting out of hands in my closet! (not that I'm complaining haha)

    Those are some amazing cravings you have there, the Hourglass palette looks amazing, I'll have to go in stores and have a closer look :)

    -Cecile -


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