Friday 15 April 2016

Meeting My Makeup Muse, Lisa Eldridge

Hi, everyone! It's Friday- woohoo! If there's anything more exciting than the upcoming weekend, it's the out of this world experience I had last Saturday. If you follow me on Instagram or read my latest post, you'll know that I spent the weekend in NYC with a troupe of my beauty blogger pals. The highlight of the trip was IMATS New York, which not only featured an amazing selection of vendors and demos, but also gave me the opportunity to rub elbows with my biggest makeup artist inspiration. That's right, folks- I got to meet Lisa Eldridge! I've been watching Lisa's YouTube tutorials for years and deem her my favourite for many reasons. First off, she's incredibly sweet, down-to-earth, and approachable. Someone once described her as a "makeup fairy godmother", which totally fits the bill! Beyond that, she has 20+  years in the makeup industry (hard to fathom, as she doesn't look a day over 21), having made up hundreds of celebrities and models, provided the makeup for several Vogue covers, and worked behind the scenes of countless fashion runways. As icing on the cake, she is a complete nerd for cosmetic science and makeup history, which are both completely up my alley! 

When Lisa Eldridge was announced as this year's IMATS keynote speaker, I immediately had hopes that she might make an appearance on the Saturday when we would be attending. Then Saturday's itinerary was announced and I did a little happy dance- Lisa would be doing an hour-long Q and A, followed by a signing of her beautiful and informative book, Face Paint, which has been sitting proudly on my bookshelf since the Fall. I had been super pumped about IMATS already, but this upped my excitement level by 500%! 

My blogger buds were lovely enough to save me a front row spot for the talk, and when I took my seat, my excited geek meter when through the roof! My friends no doubt have video and photographic evidence of my delight ;)

When Lisa emerged, she was sporting the most beautiful vintage-inspired floral dress and killer platform stilettos. Truly a vision! Her first words were to divulge that she was incredibly jet lagged, having arrived in New York after a vacation in Asia and a pit stop in London. First off, the fatigue did not show and second- you must check out Lisa's Instagram- her photos from Japan are stunning! 

The talk not only reiterated Lisa's class and humility, but was also incredibly fascinating and informative. She described her recent experience of observing geisha makeup first-hand, her role in product development at Lancome (and the thrills and pitfalls involved), and her tips about working with celebrities. She discussed how to work the individual client's personality into the makeup look and how collaborating with such well-known personalities, especially on high-stress red carpet days, really entails 50% emotional support and reinforcement. As a therapist, I get it! 

In an interesting parallel, Lisa compared the current beauty industry milieu to that of the 1920s. She explained that it was during the '20s that makeup became readily available to the masses for the first time in history and was a time where women could finally sport makeup proudly, without stigma. She stated that the emergence of YouTube and Instagram have created a similar boom, where millions of men and women worldwide can share their love of makeup and express themselves creatively and honestly. She was firm that this has changed the beauty industry for the better, really holding makeup companies to their words- false promises can no longer stand! 

Following the talk, Lisa was doing a book signing at the Makeup Artist Magazine booth, half-way across the venue. We seriously booked it and ended up snagging a good spot in line! Here Chelle has captured my pure glee as I eagerly waited for my turn. 

When my time had come, I did my best to keep my wits about me and not totally lose my cool. Not an easy task! As you can see from the photos below, Lisa welcomed me with such warmth. It immediately put me at ease! 

Courtesy of Julie at Swatch and Review
Courtesy of Julie at Swatch and Review

I went in for a hug which, as these photos reveal, looked quite dorky on my part. Oh well!!

I started by gushing about Face Paint and how it completely satisfied both my inner history and makeup geeks. She eagerly signed the book and seemed genuinely humbled by the compliments. 

Courtesy of Julie at Swatch and Review

I also told her that I could completely relate to the idea that makeup artistry is 50% emotional support and therapy, as I'm a psychologist by day and beauty blogger by night. Upon my telling her this, she perked up and eagerly asked about the blog and inquired if she could have a card. I was so floored and incredulous that she had asked and immediately started to fumble around my wallet for my blog's business card, chit-chatting in the process. I felt a pang of guilt when I realized I'd be sending her to a blog that's been largely neglected of late, so I made the admission that the blog had been quiet recently due to my wedding planning. She then asked all about the wedding and we talked for awhile about the venue and my plan for wedding makeup. It really felt like I was in a dream! 

Here's a shot of Lisa peeking at my blog card. *Faints*

After the lovely encounter, I stood by, buzzing with glee, as I took photos of Chelle and Julie meeting Lisa as well. They were both so impressed with Lisa's talk that they had to seize the opportunity to buy her book and meet her. I'm so glad they did and that they got to geek out with me! 

Overall, I could not have been more pleased with my Lisa Eldridge x IMATS experience. Her talk was completely fascinating and engaging and she was just as lovely and gracious in person as you'd expect. This experience really made IMATS New York a day I will never, ever forget!

Are you a fan of Lisa Eldridge? Who is your favourite makeup artist/YouTube makeup guru? Who is the most exciting celebrity you've ever met?

Thanks so much for stopping by and look out for my IMATS New York Makeup Haul post on Monday! xoxo



  1. You lucky duck! I love her!

    1. I'm still glowing about it! She's my fave! xo

  2. amazing photos ! :)

    please follow my blog : YOUNG BLOG

  3. Oh em geeeeee! That is SO exciting! Lisa is an absolute goddess - so passionate and talented! Your scarf almost matches her dress haha! ;)

    Tasha // shiwashiful.

    1. She really was everything I expected! Haha, and I loved that we almost matched :)

  4. Oh how exciting that you got to meet her! I am so happy for you!

  5. OMG that pic of me is hilarious. I was probably like "girrrrl you're so awesome." I love how we all just stood around and paparazzi-ed this moment. I'm so glad I was there for it! MEMORIES!

    1. Heehee, you were deep in meaningful conversation! Such good memories! Thanks again for holding my seat and taking the pics :)

  6. I love how into you she looks. Like she is fully listening to everything you had to say and enjoying it. I am SO GLAD you got to meet her!

    1. Ah, it's still surreal! So glad you guys could be there for it and thanks for being my photographer :)

  7. I need to get my hands on her amazing book. You look gorgeous and so happy hun :) xx

    Sal UmmBaby Beauty

    1. It really is a beautiful book! Thanks so much :)

  8. How AMAZINGGGGG!!! What an experience and she is so so so sweet! It sounds like you had a blast and that Lisa is everything she is hyped up to be ;-)

    She seems sooo down to earth!!

    Stephanie |

    1. I'm still glowing from it! She really lived up to all expectations- lovely and totally down to earth :)

  9. I am sooooo envious! LOL! I love her and she's the sole reason why I improved my makeup skills. I can never follow how other YouTubers do crazy contour, crazy brows and all....the way I makeup is exactly like how she does in her videos because that's where I learned everything from.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Her tutorials are really so helpful and accessible and the looks are also so natural and flattering! Hope you get to meet her one day :)

  10. I've been following her channel for years, she is really good and I love how simple she makes everything! Lucky you, sounds like you had a great time :)

    Ela BellaWorld

    1. Absolutely! Thanks- I feel super lucky! xo

  11. WOW you guys went to new york together, sounds like an amazing time. I followed lisa on youtube for a long time as well. I love that she features different models for her tutorials and also gives honest unbiased opinions. So happy you got to meet her!

    Raincouver Beauty

    1. We really did have a fantastic time! Her tutorials are so helpful and down to earth and she was as lovely in person as you'd expect! xo

  12. She sounds so sweet and she looks so fresh faced in your photos despite her jet lag! What a cool experience.

    1. She really was so fresh and sweet. Feel so lucky to have met her!

  13. Ilove Lisas dress! And she seems so lovely - it is so nice that you had the chance to meet her :)

    1. Her dress was to die for! Still glowing from our meeting- feel so lucky :)

  14. I am so so glad you got to meet her! xx

  15. How amazing! I absolutely love Lisa - se can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned! xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

    1. I totally agree! She knows her stuff and is such a good teacher :)

  16. Oh my gosh she sounds just as lovely in person as she comes across in her videos. I'm so happy you girls got to meet her!

    1. She really was as lovely as you'd expect! Still glowing from the experience :)

  17. Ohhhh my she looks so friendly and a genuine nice person in the pictures! Just like I'd imagine her to be :) Glad that you got to meet her.

    1. She really was- just as you'd expect! Thanks, Isabelle! I feel so lucky to have met her :)

  18. I. Got. Goosebumps reading this! She asked for your blogging business card!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Wow! Is that really Lisa Eldridge?? Please tell her her lipsticks are my favourite (especially the velvet ones)! :)

  20. Thankyou for sharing this information. Check my blog which is related to Wedding Makeup Artists in Gurgaon


All of your lovely comments make my day! Thanks for taking the time to share your musings, ideas, and opinions. Feel free to leave a link to your blog- I'd be happy to check it out :)