Tuesday 27 October 2015

Makeup from Halloweens Past

Hi, everyone! Apologies again for the lack of posts lately- life has been ramping up and my resolve to blog after work has been wavering. I am determined to get back on track, though! One thing that always re-ignites my passion for makeup is Halloween. While I'm still unsure what character will adorn my face this year, when I saw Chelle's Post from yesterday, I thought it might be fun to share a Halloween makeup retrospective with you! It was ultra fun looking back at my previous creations- it definitely inspired me and maybe it'll give you some ideas too! 

Halloween 2014 #1: Pop Art
One of the looks I created last year was straight from the canvas of iconic pop artist Roy Lichtenstein. I was inspired by this look from blogger Keiko Lynn and also studied some of Lichtenstein's most iconic works to put this look together:

Halloween 2014 #2: The Siren
The second look I created last Halloween was inspired by a couple gorgeous sources, this look from Pinterest and this look from Coco at The Beauty Milk. I used shades of gold and green to channel my inner mermaid- I kind of wanted to wear this look every day afterwards! 

Halloween 2012: Welcome to the Dollhouse
A few years ago I opted to create a look both adorable and creepy, heavy on the creepy. I wanted to play with a look that helped me build my makeup skills (like covering up my natural brows and expanding the look of my eyes), while still being accessible. I was happy with how it turned out- and it was fun spooking out my boyfriend that day :)

Halloween 2013: Purple Fairy
This was a last-minute costume that was also drawn from the ultimate inspiration machine, Pinterest. I was smitten with this gorgeous look, so decided to don my wings and paint my face in shades of ethereal purple and pink. I really felt like a fairy! 

Halloween 2011: Feeling Devilish
If you've noticed a theme in my Halloween costumes, it's that they're all about the makeup and the costumes themselves are pretty bare bones. For my devil costume, the horns and pitchfork were mere accessories to my bold smokey eyes and killer contoured cheeks. I really did feel like a badass! 

Halloween 2009: Cleopatra
Back in 2009 I decided to tackle the ancient queen of beauty herself, Cleopatra. I paired shades of peacock and burnished gold with dramatic winged liner, huge lashes, and black brows. The wig I wore was totally cheap looking and a bit askew- I almost preferred the way the makeup looked with my natural hair and a gilded snake headband :)

2009: Film Noir
So this one wasn't for Halloween, but rather an annual Toronto tradition, Fake Prom. Fake Prom is a themed costumed dance that's way more fun than any real prom, that's for sure! The theme that year was Film Noir, so I donned by best '40s makeup and vintage dress and made a bit of mischief!

So there we have it, a roundup of my favourite Halloween looks from the past several years. There are few things I enjoy more than putting together creative, out-of-the-ordinary makeup looks and Halloween gives me the perfect opportunity to do just that. Whatever makeup I decide to wear this  year, I know the process will be beyond fun. I can't wait to share it with you!

What costume are you sporting this Halloween? What was your favourite Halloween makeup you ever created?

Thanks for dropping by! xo


  1. I still love your Siren look to this day. That was so freaking jawdropping when you posted it!

    I also hadn't seen some of these looks so I'm so glad you posted them again!

    1. Aww, thank so much, Chelle! And no problem about the link back- I totally stole your idea! ;)

  2. Also, thank you for the link back! <3

  3. Love these collection of photos, fake prom hahaha

    1. Haha, thanks! Fake Prom was ultra fun :)

  4. you do such amazing work! i think you have a great eye for colors and placement. something i wish i had but haven't really bothered to cultivate.

    1. Aww, thanks so much, dude! Wish I could do makeup like this everyday to sharpen my skills further :)

  5. I loved this post! This are all wonderful. I loved your siren :)) And thank you for the shoutout :D :D
    My main costumes this year will be 60's girl and Gogo Yubari from Kill Bill

    1. My pleasure! Your Halloween looks are always so inspiring. Thanks! xo

  6. This is such a great recap and my favourite is the Pop Art makeup, it looks so real and you honestly looked like you walked out of a comic book!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Aww, thanks so much! I had so much fun with the Pop Art look last year :)

  7. I am really bad at doing such things like that. All these looks great! Pop art is my favourite :)


    1. Thanks so much! I have lots of fun with Halloween looks :)

  8. I'm really not into Halloween, but I love your Siren and fake Prom ones! :)

  9. WOW Jen! I love all your Halloween looks! I wish I could have you do my makeup!! I really can not for the life of me do 'creative' looks :( Love the comic one the most! Actually, I have a lot of favorites - Siren looks awesome on you too! :)

    1. Aww, thanks, Shari! I would love to do your makeup one day! ;)

  10. Very beautiful post!

    ** I'm inviting you to join Love, Beauty Bloggers on facebook. A place for beauty and fashion bloggers from all over the world to promote their latest posts!


  11. I absolutely love these! The Siren is STUNNING. And I also did Pop Art last year!

    1. Aww, thank so much, Trysh! I saw your Pop Art look and it was fab! xo

  12. Haha! I love the retrospective! So fun! This year's halloween makeup look is my favourite though! I need to try it! Xx
    Ally | www.glamoclock.com

  13. Wow! Cool makeup :) Very cretive:) I greet:) http://fabricandcolor.com/

  14. I think you and Chelle might be tied for Queen of Halloween! These costumes are all so good lol And the mermaid makeup was beyond beautiful.

    1. Aww, thanks so much, Megan! Chelle is definitely much more skilled with the costume aspect of things- I go full-force for the makeup but the costume itself is pretty lackluster :)

  15. Love all your Halloween looks! Very creative!


  16. I'm loving your Siren look. And I'm with you. I'd want to rock it every day too. lol. xx

    Kartonia | Still in My Nightie

  17. Girll all of your stuff is awesome! i want to try a pop art look so badly but I dont think mine would look anywhere near as good haha.

    1. Aww, you should definitely give it a try- I think you could totally rock it! :)

  18. Stunning looks, specially the second one is my favorite, you are talented..

    Sam || Beautydetour

  19. Ditto
    I may be all grown up (hopefully my makeup skills have improved),
    but one of my favourite things is still dressing up and being creative with my makeup!
    Hope you had a great halloween :) x

    AmBlog - Bargain, Beauty & Being Amber Blogger


All of your lovely comments make my day! Thanks for taking the time to share your musings, ideas, and opinions. Feel free to leave a link to your blog- I'd be happy to check it out :)