Wednesday 26 August 2015

Life Recently: Holding Onto Summer

Hi, everyone! With late August rolling in, I find myself desperately grasping onto Summer. It's a strange phenomenon, as I'm an Autumn girl through and through. I much prefer the crisp breezes, colourful leaves, and cozy sweaters. The heat and humidity of Summer typically leave me sweaty and cranky and seeking the comforts of air conditioned spaces. Despite this, there remains a pit in my stomach when I think about the arrival of September. Maybe it's because I've been an eternal student (this is the first time in 28 years I will not be returning to school in September. Whoa.) or maybe it's because Summer, in all of its hot, soupy glory, can still present magical, sunny days that just cannot be re-created at any other time of year. 

While I live for the hustle and bustle of Toronto's downtown core, I am lucky enough to live just a few blocks south of the chaos, on the shoes of Lake Ontario. This past Sunday I embarked on a solitary afternoon along the waterfront and it provided all of the peace, warmth, and vitamin D I was craving. Armed with a book, a huge bottle of water, and my biggest vintage sunglasses, I took to the boardwalk and soaked it all in! 

For the first portion of the afternoon, I sat by the water in front of Harbourfront Centre, watching the boats and reading, with the CN tower at my back. It really was idyllic, despite the throngs of tourists lining up for cruises and gathering around street magicians. There was an Iranian cultural festival going on at Harbourfront that day, so I also got to stop and watch some folk dancing that was absolutely beautiful! 

Then I strolled a little bit further west to HTO beach, which is a small but perfectly summery little plot of sand adorned with cheery yellow umbrellas. I plopped down in a Muskoka chair, dug my toes in the sand, cradled my book, and watched the pirate ships (yes, pirate ships!) sail by. 

Even though I walked away with a bit of a sunburn (SPF is important, guys!), my afternoon by the water showcased the beauty of Summer in the city and gave me a reason to hold onto the season with all of my might. I am beyond lucky to live so close to these sights (literally, a 5-minute walk) and Summer truly is the season when my neighbourhood is at its finest. So although I still look forward to the fresh, cool breezes of Fall, they can wait their turn while I soak up the sun a little longer :)

Are you a fan of Summer? What have been your favourite summery activities lately?

Thanks for dropping by! xo


  1. LOL I hate summer as you know! But I enjoy reading about people who like it! It's fun to hear why people like it. You look gorgeous in these picks! And DUDE-susncreen is my LIFE. I never leave home without it now HAHAHA! My fave summer activity is hiding in my AC house! ;) I want Autumn NOW.

    1. Summer isn't my favourite, but it has potential on days like that one :) But yeah, Fall is the best!

  2. Such great photos! I would love to visit there sometime!! Your first photo looks like an advertisement for a perfume or something! So pretty!

    xo Kat @ Katness

    1. Aww, thanks so much! Toronto is such a busy city, but by the lake, it's peaceful :)

  3. I'm definitely not a fan of summer! A lot of my friends have been made at university, and since I don't see them during summer, it can be a pretty lonely time! I also sit around and eat a lot of rubbish since I have so much spare time on my hands, hello obesity! Summer is our peak selling period where I work, which means work is always hell: very loud, very busy.

    I much prefer winter. Winter clothes, snuggly coats, having the fire on, Christmas time, Halloween, fireworks... yes please!xx

    Laura | Lala London: Beauty & Lifestyle

    1. Yeah, there can definitely be a lot of stressful things about summer! I hate how cold it gets in Toronto in wintertime, but I love hot drinks and snuggly sweaters :)

  4. I'm definitely a summer girl even if here in England there is hardly any sunshine this summer haha. You look great and I looove your sunglasses and shoes! :)

    1. Thanks so much! So glad I found these old sunglasses- they're lots of fun :)

  5. I love this post. It's so peaceful looking - especially given how busy Toronto can be. And I love that first shot. All of the colours in it is just gorgeous!

    1. Thanks so much! Gotta give cred to the photo filters on my iPad :) And yes, the waterfront is such an underrated spot!

  6. How great is it to know that you won't be going to the school again :) I mean sure you will miss the memories but yeah freedom :) That's how I felt after my Msc haha :) Beautiful photos, beautiful look xx

    1. Yes, the freedom! Thanks so mcuch, Ela! xo

  7. i love all these photos!! but i don't love the heat of summer. yea you and i are both autumn ppl
    this outting sounded like a lovely recharge!

    1. It really was the perfect recharging afternoon! Days like this make summer do-able, but autumn is my jam :)

  8. I'm a huge fan of summer, so I'm really not ready for fall. :(
    It looks like you had a perfect late summer day on the beach at Lake Ontario! You are so lucky to live within a 5 minute walk of the wonderful parts of Toronto.
    I love love love your sunglasses!

    1. Thanks so much, Ingrid! They make me feel very retro :) And I'm super lucky to be so close to downtown as well as to the water!

  9. I've loved summer, Lar is a primary school teacher so we have the summer off together which is even more amazing now we have baby Oscar too! I do love Autumn as a season though!

    Makeup Monster

    1. Ah, very nice! My boyfriend is a teacher, so he's bummed to be heading back to work now ;) Despite great days like this, Autumn is my fave too!

  10. Summer is my favourite season!! I wish it would never end. This day sounds perfect. I have yet to actually spend a day or even an afternoon at the beach this year, which is absolutely tragic!

    1. It's not too late! September has been super warm so far, at least here in Ontario! :)

  11. It is really great blog!

  12. You look so adorable and retro! Love your 50s/60s vibe:)

    1. Thanks so much! I'm so happy I re-discovered those sunglasses :)

  13. Surprisingly I am not a huge fan of Summer, weird I know especially coming from me who is bred, born and grew up in Malaysia but the crazy heatwave we experience in BC is nuts! I really enjoyed this post though, it's such a refreshing non beauty read and your pictures are gorgeous!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Aww, thanks so much, Shireen! The heat of summer usually makes me sweaty and cranky, but it's much more tolerable when you're by the water :)

  14. Not a fan of summer here either but mainly summer in tropics I guess. I imagine summer in Toronto is much more pleasant! Also, I love your sunglasses!

    1. It can get quite hot in Toronto to (30 plus degrees), but only for a few months of the year! Thank you :)


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