Friday 13 March 2015

Vibrant Health: The Boyfriend's Homemade Sugar-Free Granola

Hi, everyone! Today's post is extra special for a two reasons. First off, it's my 500th Post! I still have to pinch myself sometimes that I've been able to blog so consistently for the past four years; I think it's truly a testament to how much this hobby enriches and energizes me! Thanks to each and every one of you for your support along the way. Your enthusiasm definitely keeps me going as well! Second, today's entry marks my first post in a brand new series, Vibrant Health. While I'm certainly no dietitian or fitness expert, my boyfriend and I have been on a serious healthy eating mission for the past few years and have accrued some fab recipes in the process. I've also been waaay into yoga since the new year and would love the opportunity to chat about that new-found passion here on the blog. As such, Vibrant Health was born! 

For this inaugural installment, I thought I'd share with you an ultra delicious treat that my boyfriend concocted recently. I'm a granola girl through and through, which means my yogurt truly feels naked without it. We had been a bit dismayed at the amount of added sugars in store-made granolas (even those aimed at being "all natural"), so Adam went on a quest to create his own. Using the general parameters of "low sugar, yet still delicious", he found this recipe and tweaked it slightly to create perhaps the tastiest granola I've tried. Here's what went into it:

3 cups of unsweetened shredded coconut
2 cups chopped walnuts and cashews mixed with unsalted sunflower seeds
2 tablespoons of chia seeds
3 tablespoons of cacao nibs
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
6 tablespoons of melted coconut oil

To prep the granola, he simply combined all the of ingredients and spread them out on a tray. He baked the mixture at 250 degrees for about 20 minutes and voila! Easy peasy.

Here's a closeup of the finished product:

The recipe yielded a fair amount of granola, almost enough to fill this giant tupperware container:

Overall, this recipe proves a couple of important things. First, my boyfriend is incredibly industrious and handy, and my taste buds are reaping the benefits! Second, sugar-free granola truly can be delicious! The coconut oil and cacao give it a lovely richness, the nuts and seeds, a delicious crunch, and the coconut, a perfect hint of the tropics. It's all a girl could ask for on her yogurt every day! 

Thanks again for dropping by my 500th Post and first-ever Vibrant Health entry.  Means so much! Let me know if you're excited about this new health-related series and feel free to leave suggestions for what you'd like to see next! 

Are you a granola girl (or guy) like me? Does this recipe make you hungry?

Have a fantastic weekend :)


  1. I am a granola addict, so I'm saving this post! Sounds super yummy!

    - Deniz

  2. I am a total granola girl and yes this post made me soooo hungry.
    Jay and I have been trying to clean up our diets as of recently too and we are constantly looking for tips. MUST try this out!
    Lovely post Jen can't wait to see what you have in store for us next :)

  3. Congrats on your 500th post! That's awesome! Love you and your blog!
    And this looks delish! I've never made my own granola, as I rarely eat it it but dang, it does look good on that yogurt! And I need to up my calcium intake now that I'm so close to menopause. Totally going to make this recipe!
    Happy weekend! xx

  4. Yum, this looks incredible! I really want to try this!
    Melanie @

  5. Congrats on your 500th post and on Vibrant Health, babe!!! Such a good idea! And this looks so freaking delicious, I need to make my own granola sometime soon (never tried before!).

    Have an awesome weekend, Jen <3!


  6. This just inspired me to mix up some coconut, pecans, sunflower seeds, chia and walnuts with cocoa and coconut oil and roast it. Trail mix!

  7. Congrats on the post mile stone! What an interesting recipe. I think I might like it.

  8. Oh yes this post makes me hungry all over again and I just had my breakfast (which was something so unhealthy in comparison lol)! Congrats on the 500th post, that's a lot!, and on the new series. Keep it up! :)

    Have a great weekend! <3

  9. Love your style!

  10. This sounds and looks really yummy <3

    She Will Be

  11. Congrats on the 500th post!!! That's huge!

    This looks cool! I've never made anything like that on my own! Would definitely like to read more about healthy recipes here. I need some inspiration!

  12. Well, that makes my PB and banana toast look boring!! =P Love the look of the granola. I don't think I've tried any before but it looks delicious!
    xx Kat @ Katness

  13. Congrats on the 500th post!!! (Hopefully, I'll be able to stick to my blog long enough to reach that number, haha) Though I love adding granola to my yogurt from time to time, I've just never tried making a batch at home despite the number of granola recipes I've bookmarked! I look forward to future Vibrant Health posts!

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