Wednesday 25 March 2015

The 5-Product Face

Hi, everybody! I thought I'd take a brief pause in my lipstick swatch-a-thon to bring you something totally different. I've seen "5-Product Face" posts in the past and thought "pssshht, I could never do that". If you saw my Makeup Addict Tag, you'll know that I like to zen out while doing my makeup, typically using up to 15 products in the process. So 5 products only? Won't that leave me with just a third of a face?! Despite the reservations, I thought I'd woman up and take the challenge. So here it is, the before and after of my 5-product face! 

Here are the items that went into this look. I opted for flawless, yet natural-looking skin, flushed cheeks and lips, defined brows and lashes, and a dewy glow:

I started by applying Cle de Peau's Concealer in Ivory over any areas of redness, including blemishes, scars, and dark circles. I then simply blended things out with my fingers. This concealer seriously is the best I've tried. It covers everything (everything!), while still managing to blend seamlessly and look like real skin. A true miracle! I then reached for NARS Matte Multiple in Siam, a bold orange red, and patted several layers onto my lips. I then took a much lighter touch and stippled a bit onto the apples of my cheeks, blending up. For a natural kick of luminosity, I dabbed RMS Living Luminizer across my eyelids, on the tops of my cheekbones, and down the bridge of my nose. The finish really is quite ethereal!

For definition, I reached for my go-to brow product, Anastasia Brow Powder Duo in Taupe, applying with an angled brush. You can see in the photo that I've nearly polished off the pan, and this is perhaps the fifth or sixth of these I've finished over the last seven years. Serious holy grail status! The finishing touch was a couple coats of BeneFit They're Real mascara, which never fails to provide both length and volume.

And voila! Here are a couple more shots of the finished look:

So it seems I've totally surprised myself with this one- a 5-Product face really can look complete and polished! Those who wear more minimal looks on a regular basis might be rolling their eyes (of course 5 products can achieve this) but for this maximista, it really was a feat and a revelation. Yes, I had to forego liner, shadow, foundation, and powder, but I think my face appreciated the lighter load. A breath of fresh air, really! 

Would you be interested to see more variations of a 5-Product Face in the future?

What are you go-to products for a minimal look?

Thanks for dropping by! :)


  1. I'd be challenged to use 5 products too! But this would make a lovely weekend look.

  2. You did a wonderful job and you look lovely! I'm like you where I love being able to apply many different products to achieve a look. I might try and give this one a go too!
    xx Kat @ Katness

  3. I cannot believe this is only 5 products! You did a fantastic job!

    - Deniz

  4. Love it!

    I am following you on gfc, would you like to follow me back so we can stay in touch?


  5. These all look amazing on you!
    Melanie @

  6. You are even pretty without makeup lady!

  7. Love your look! I did one of these a while back. Brows and a lippie really make such a huge difference. I think I had to sacrifice a lipstick in order to fill in my brows. I struggled with the 5 product thing :p

  8. Oh what a fun challenge! I think you did really well with only 5 products! I definitely want to see more! :D

    I love the Cle de Peau concealer. My only worry is that it will outlive me. LOL I swear the tube is bottomless. I've been using it almost everyday for the last few years and I'm not even half way yet!!!! :D

  9. Your skin looks amazing! I love how dewy it is. ♥

  10. Your brows are fantastic, they look so natural I assumed they were all yours!

  11. You've managed so well with only 5 products! :)

  12. love this 5 product look! you did a great job! I'd love to see more looks! its great for when traveling and you don't want to take too many things! :)

  13. Awesome! Thank you for sharing this to us and have an amazing Friday! :)

    Facebook / Bloglovin

  14. You have such a nice blog! Keep up a good work! <3

    Maybe you want to follow each other?
    Let me know on my blog & I'll follow back right away.

  15. that's funny to think about only using a certain number of products. what a challenge! I think I'll have to try this on myself just for kicks! 5 products! Gotta think about it!

  16. That is so cool! And what a wonderful look! PS your lashes are to die for!

  17. Stunning look, love your lip color. *__*
    Lovely greets Nessa

  18. This is a gorgeous look--and even better that you only needed five products! Your complexion is glowing!!

    adorn la femme

  19. Love this tag! The end result is gorgeous fresh, bold and classy. I need to try this Cle de Peau concealer everyone's talking about. x

    Alexandra | Glam O’Clock

  20. Your skin really DOES look flawless! Thank the laaaawd for make-up, huh? :-) You look positively glowing, beautiful.


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