Saturday 17 January 2015

MAC Viva Glam III: Lipstick for a Good Cause, from my Boyfriend

If there are two facts most pertinent to this post, it's that a) I love MAC lipsticks and b) my boyfriend gives amazing gifts. Despite these profound truths, the paths of these facts have rarely crossed in the past. Let me explain. My boyfriend hates giving obvious gifts. If it's something perching eagerly on a wishlist of mine, he won't touch it. He prefers to give the gifts that I didn't know I wanted, but always needed. And he's usually spot-on. My lighting box, for instance. But due to his gifting ethos, in our five years together he has yet to buy me a stitch of makeup. While this has never been an issue for me (I'm more than capable- too capable- of buying my own beauty products), a girl does like to be treated to something frivolous now and again.

I was spoiled in just this kind of way this past Wednesday night, when Adam and I were out to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of our first date. After a failed attempt to catch a movie to round off the evening (crazy, over-crowded, post-Golden Globes movie theatres!), I think he could sense that I was feeling a bit deflated. We decided to take a stroll home through Toronto's convenient underground PATH system, which just happened to navigate us past the Eaton Centre MAC store. As if reading my makeup fantasy-laden thoughts, he stopped mid-stride and asked "What if you went into MAC and picked out any product of your choice?". After a brief, incredulous, flustered exchange, I knew he meant business. So into MAC, I sprinted skipped sauntered. 

My excitement quickly melted into overwhelm, realizing that I really had to hone in on the one product that I was most craving at the moment. After perusing the lipsticks, however, I recalled a recent review I'd read and immediately locked on my target. Viva Glam III Lipstick, it was!

MAC Viva Glam lip colours are among my favourite beauty products to buy. Not only has each of the shades been stunning, unique, and on-trend, 100% of the selling price of Viva Glam items goes to the MAC AIDS Fund, helping those living with HIV/AIDS across the globe. If that's not beauty for a good cause, I don't know what is! 

MAC Viva Glam Lipsticks ($19.00 CAD) come boxed in identical packaging to other MAC lipsticks. Here is the familiar black box, followed by the full ingredient listing of this particular formula:

The Viva Glam Lipsticks are packaged in MAC's iconic black bullet tube, but feature bold red detailing to symbolize its connection to their charity. A meaningful and beautiful touch! 

After reading this review of MAC Viva Glam III Lipstick, I definitely had a "where have you been all my life?" moment. The first Viva Glam campaign that overlapped with my MAC fanaticism was Viva Glam V, which kind of left the first four offerings in the range rather distant and foreign to me. Boy, was I in the dark! 

Viva Glam III is a deep, warm-toned plum with noticeable brown undertones. It really hearkens back to the year 2000 when it was originally released. Then, lips were all about being bold, matte, and fabulous! Viva Glam III indeed has a Matte finish, but possesses a subtle sheen that prevents it from looking flat on the lips. 

Here it is swatched on my inner arm (MAC NC15 skin tone)...

... and a closeup of it on my lips...

... and finally, in the context of a completed makeup look:

As you can see, Viva Glam III is undoubtedly deep and vampy, but not so much so that it seeps into goth territory. And while it does have brown undertones, the plummy hues at the base of it make it quite wearable and flattering! The wear time on this, as with other MAC Mattes, is phenomenal (lasts nearly intact after a meal) and saturation and pigmentation is intense. This can leave lips feeling slightly parched, but a touch of balm before applying and after removal should remedy this.

Overall, I am so in love with this lipstick! It's become a new favourite shade for Fall/Winter and I couldn't be happier with where the money from this purchase is going. Plus, it's always fun to discover a long-existing shade that has finally crossed your radar. Better late than never!

Pulling back to the bigger picture, I have to reiterate what an ultra sweet and timely gesture it was for my boyfriend to purchase this item for me. It goes to show that gifts don't have to be large and luxurious, but often the factors of perfect timing, an element of surprise, and a touch of frivolity can combine to create the ultimate treat! Three cheers for my boo ;)

Am I the only one who has just discovered the beauty of Viva Glam III? Is the shade up your alley? Does your partner often treat you to beauty-related gifts, or do you leave that up to yourself?

Thanks for reading, as always! xo


  1. One of my faves for sure!! Looks lovely on you! What a great guy you got there!

  2. This looks like an awesome gift if you ask me!! Jealous! Haha :)

  3. MAC's Viva Glam II was my very first lipstick ever, and two Christmases ago I received a second tube of it and still love it. The Viva Glam lipsticks are all very gorgeous. I wouldn't be surprised if Viva Glam III eventually joins my collection. :P It looks great on you, and it's sweet that your boyfriend decided to spontaneously treat you like that. :)

    1. Ooh, I haven't tried Viva Glam II. Will have to give it a peek :)

  4. It's very Marsala-esque! A few years ago, my hubby (bf at the time) bought me the Naked palettes for my birthday. I almost fell over from shock! He's pretty good with buying random non-beauty things now though.
    Your man is awesome! =)
    xx Kat @ Katness

    1. Haha, wow- those are some great gifts! I'd faint too ;) Thanks, Kat!

  5. Love the colour on you! I like that's a inbetween red kind of shade. :)

  6. Beautiful color

    Kiss kiss.*Jo

  7. hahaha oh man, good job adam! LOL david has NEVER said that to me. if he did, i would NOT believe he meant it :P
    this colour looks great on you!

    A Beautiful Zen

    1. Thanks, girl! As I said, I don't think Adam believed himself at first either :)

  8. Oh, your man sure knows a thing or two about lipstick! That shade looks gorgeous on you <3!
    Have a lovely weekend!


    1. Luckily, he let me choose the shade ;) Thanks, Gita! xo

  9. Super gorgeous! This is very timely as I was looking into getting this shade! Love that it's bold but wearable!

    1. Ooh, you should definitely pick it up- I'm smitten :)

  10. What a gorgeous colour! Looks like it will fit right in with the colour of the year as well. :)

    1. Thanks, and you're right- it does have a Marsala feel :)

  11. That mac lipstick looks amazing!
    Melanie @

  12. Some of my favorite gifts are that of makeup, haha! My husband got me some Naked palettes for Christmas, and I just love them! This lipstick looks very pretty with your skin tone (and flawless skin!).
    Jenny // Mish Mosh Makeup

    1. Aww, thanks, Jenny! Sounds like your husband is a keeper too :)

  13. You look lovely and this lipstick seems amazing!

    xx Nicki

  14. Excellent pictures and great blog. I like it. I am following you, can you follow me back, pls. Kiss

  15. Wow, this color is so pretty. *__*

  16. Hey Jen, aww how sweet is Adam! Great choice as well! I like how it looks on you, but I have to try it on to see how that brown undertone works on my skin tone. Usually I can't touch anything too brown!

    1. Thanks so much, Sunny! You should definitely check this out- the brown undertones are quite subtle :)

  17. That's a gorgeous color!

  18. What a gorgeous lippie! That man of yours is a keeper!

  19. awww that's so sweet! And a gorgeous color too! How have I never noticed this shade before?? The brown undertone to this lipstick is such a nice touch

    1. I can't believe how I missed it either! Definitely worth checking out :)

  20. That's so sweet of him! I have bought some Viva Glam products in the past but I have yet to invest in this one yet! I don't usually wear red so I'm not sure how often I'd get to wear this one but I really like how deep (but not goth) the red is! Looks pretty on you! :)

    1. Thanks! Yes, definitely just this side of goth, haha ;)

  21. Such pretty lipstick! I've never tried MAC lipstick yet but this is such a good cause! Great excuse!

  22. lovely honey!

  23. Kind of reminds me of the color of the year! Pretty!

  24. Definitely adding this one to my wish list - what a gorgeous and unique shade! Absolutely love it!

    - Deniz

  25. Wow what a wonderful gift! This looks beautiful on you! It's very Marsala :)

  26. Awww that's such a sweet story! And the colour is gorgeous to boot! (Have to say, I really LOVE your lip shape!)

  27. so pretty! reminds me of cruella!

  28. This lipstick looks absolutely beautiful on you! The only Viva Glam lipstick I own from Mac is Viva Glam I, and that is my favorite red lipstick of all time!
    <3 Pauline, ­­Addicted to Makeup

    1. Ooh, will definitely have to check out Viva Glam I. Thanks, Pauline! xo

  29. Loooove this shade on you!! I suppose if you really did know someone inside out, you'd probably know what they need/want before they themselves knew it. WISHLISTS ARE FOR STRANGERS!

    1. Yes, true! At least that's what Adam would say ;) Thanks, Vanessa!


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