Tuesday 9 December 2014

Let's Play: Jen or Jenn? Round 2!

Hi, everyone! It's time for the first installment of a collaboration with Jenn from A Beautiful Zen, a fellow Toronto-based beauty blogger, makeup enthusiast, and buddy. Tomorrow's collab features a video (my first-ever!), but for today we're drawing some serious inspiration from a post we saw earlier this year from Natalie at Ivory Avenue. In her post, Natalie challenged her readers to peruse two side-by-side lineups of items and have them take a stab at the owner of each. Essentially, she posed the question of just how well her readers understand her sensibilities, while providing a peek into her own (and another lovely lady's) collection. So that's what Jenn and I are re-creating here!

For a peek at Jenn's take on this theme (featuring our favourite eye shadows and makeup bag essentials), click here

First Up: Skin Care Staples!
For this portion, Jenn and I rounded up our complexion must-haves: cleansing butters (we are both smitten with the same one!), face washes, toners, serums, scrubs, eye creams and sunscreens. We then laid them out artfully for your inspection.

Here are closeups of each, so you can make a better informed decision.

Skin Care Lineup A:

Skin Care Lineup B:

So, how well do you know my skin care routine? Which are the products that treat my face everyday- A or B?!?

Second Chance: Top Lipstick Picks!
Next up, we gathered the 8 lip colours that we've been reaching for most often lately and those that best embody our tastes and personalities. The gang's all there- lip butters, stains, glosses, and classic lipsticks. So here they are:

Lip Picks A:

Lip Picks B:

Y'all know I'm a sucker for lip products, but can you tell which selection is mine? A or B?!?

Sadie knows, but she won't tell! ;)

I'd love to hear your guesses in the comments below! Hope this post challenges your Vibrant Beauty Blog knowledge while giving you a peek into mine and Jenn's current faves!

Again, you can pop by Jenn's Blog to check out her version of Let's Play!

Stay tuned for tomorrow's collab, where I'll be testing out my favourite makeup shades on Jenn. She's in store for some vibrant colour! Also, the answers to today's challenge will be featured there! :)


  1. I'm gonna say you're Skincare Lineup A and Lip Picks B.. *crosses fingers* Am I right?!

  2. jenn if definitely b and then a :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is going to be a complete guess but jenn a and jenn b! Sadie is the cutest!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty Blog

    1. Yup- my skin care was A and lipsticks B! Thanks- Sadie loves hamming it up for the camera :)

  5. I will guess that your sets are both b. :) fun game!

    1. Thanks, Melanie! My lip picks are B, but my skin care is A :)

  6. I love that you two are doing this!!!!! <3

    1. Our pleasure! Your post was great inspiration :)

  7. i'm guessing both line up 'b's are jenn f

    1. Actually Jenn F's lipsticks are the 'A' selection! You were right about the skin care, though! :)

  8. Your skin care is A, and your lips are B! Such a great post!

  9. Great products.


  10. Skincare A, Lipsticks B is you! Although I could be wrong but those are based on the products (you rave about!) that I see on each of your blogs :) I love this idea!! You and Jenn are sooo cool for doing this!

    1. Nope, you got it right, Shari! You know us well :)

  11. aahhh two of my fave ladies! JEN(N)S UNITE!!!!

    1. Aww, thanks! Yes, Jen(n)s gotta stick together! xo


All of your lovely comments make my day! Thanks for taking the time to share your musings, ideas, and opinions. Feel free to leave a link to your blog- I'd be happy to check it out :)