Wednesday 22 October 2014

Veracious Product Review: Omorovicza Deep Cleansing Mask

Hi, everyone! If you saw my recent post, The Soothing Deep Cleanse, you'll know that I have a new favourite face mask for those days when my skin is feeling particularly congested, dull, and grimy. After multitudes of blogger raves, I caved and purchased the Omorovicza Deep Cleansing Mask from Cult Beauty. It's more than a bit of splurge, but I had high hopes given all of the love it had received from skin care junkies like myself. 

The Omorovicza Deep Cleansing Mask comes in a white box with simple, chic detailing. It contains a thorough description of the product, as well as a full ingredient listing. 

According to the box and to the brand's website, this mask is rich with minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which come courtesy of Omorovicza's signature Hungarian Moor Mud. This mud, a central ingredient in the mask, not only infuses skin with these minerals, it also works to extract impurities while clearing pores and brightening the skin. It promises a deep cleanse without stripping or irritating the complexion- a tall order, indeed! 

Upon opening the box, a rather entrancing inner design is revealed. I quite like it- a fun little detail to the packaging! The jar itself (as seen in the first two photos) is made of weighty glass with a white plastic, screw-off lid. 

The mask itself has a rich, creamy mud-like texture and is grey in colour with tiny specks of black and blue (the minerals, perhaps?). It has a light, herbal scent that is entirely enticing and refreshing.

The mask smooths onto skin effortlessly and feels quite creamy. The amount shown above was more than plenty to cover my entire face. Shortly after application, you will notice a warming sensation that is potent, yet not uncomfortable. You can really feel the mud working wonders! Within a few more minutes, the stimulating tingle transitions to more of a cooling sensation that feels incredibly luxurious and relaxing. 

After about 15 minutes, the mask starts to partially dry, but leaves no trace of stiffness or dryness. I can smile freely without any restriction, which is such a plus when it comes to mud masks! I could truly leave this mask on forever, but after 20 minutes or so I rinse it off using warm water and cotton pads. It rinses cleanly without any noticeable residue. 

I've already mentioned that this is a favourite, but here's my full breakdown of the benefits and drawbacks of this luxurious mask:

  • Does an excellent job at providing a thorough, deep cleanse. My skin feels impeccably purified and refreshed afterwards!
  • Despite providing a serious deep clean, this does not dry out my skin one bit. There is no hint of dryness or tightness after use.
  • Leaves skin looking bright and calm, with zero irritation or redness, even on my finicky skin!
  • The warming and cooling sensations created by this mask feel quite luxurious. Truly a pampering sort of facial!
  • Despite some warnings that this mask may lead to purging the next day, I have never woken to any new eruptions
  • Not tested on animals and free from parabens, silicones, sulfates, and synthetic colours or fragrances
  • Due to the warming and cooling sensations, this might feel a bit uncomfortable for those with very sensitive skin types
  • The price. Ugh. It's nearly $100, which will be out of range even for some seasoned skin care enthusiasts. Even on sale (which is the only time I would buy it), this is most certainly a splurge. 

Yes, this is silly expensive, but it most definitely offers some potent results to go along with the luxury price tag. The Omorovicza Deep Cleansing Mask has quickly snagged a spot among my favourite masks of all time due to the many benefits outlined above. It deep cleans like nobody's business without any hint of irritation and dryness. Skin is left feeling purified, soothed, and glowing. Plus, it's a total pleasure to use! I have to say, this is without a doubt one of the most splurge-worthy items in my collection. So go ahead and treat yo-self! :)



  1. I love this mask! One of my faves! Mines coming to an end which is so annoying as it's so expensive but I will need to repurchase!

    Zandra // AZTEC DOLL Fashion & Beauty Blog

  2. I really like Omorvicza! I don't have this but I DO have the cleansing balm which is fab

    Stacey | Expat Make-Up Addict xx

    1. The cleansing balm is definitely near the top of my wishlist :)

  3. This looks awesome! I need to buy it and give it a go!xx

  4. You're killing me Jen! I resisted picking up anything from Omorovicza in my recent cult beauty haul, but now I really want to try it! Great review!

    1. Haha, thanks! And again, I'm sorry to be such an enabler ;)

  5. Ohh! I shouldn't have clicked on this link - now I want it... and I want it bad!! I've yet to try ordering from Cult Beauty, but I'll definitely check it out now! Your review is making me want to try it pretty bad!

    Stephanie |

    1. Cult Beauty is really a great site to order from- quick shipping, no extra fees, and a great selection! The mask definitely is worth trying, though I apologize for tempting you with something so expensive ;)

  6. great post! this looks like an awesome product!

  7. Yeowza... That's one expensive face mask! Sounds like a good one, though!

  8. ohh...that is a bit pricey but it really sounds wonderful! I would be very tempted!!

  9. Oh gosh... so expensive but looks so GOOD!!

  10. Yeah, definitely sill expensive, but I do grant myself the occasional skin care splurge every now and then as I'm trying my best to take care of my finicky skin before it gets too old and cranky ;) If you ever want any specific recommendations, I'd be happy to help, Marlen!

  11. DANNNNG, NEARLY $100??? I swear we have Omorovicza skincare at Holt's, no? Or am I thinking of another $$$ skincare line? (All these European names are confusing me) Anyways, I'd definitely love to try this out someday; sounds amazing. It'll be on my list of 'unattainable expensive products' right underneath the Laura Mercier body souffles UGH

    1. They just started carrying it over the weekend! Or at least at Bloor St. Maybe they've had it at Yorkdale before? Either way, this is so worth putting on a "one day when I really want to splurge" list. It's super good!

  12. The information you provided was fantastic! It helped me alot. Your expertise saved us so much time.
    Deep Cleansing Mask


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