Saturday 20 September 2014

Inglot Toronto Beauty Bloggers Sneak Peek Event!

Hi, everyone- happy weekend! When I heard that Inglot was opening up a store in Toronto this Fall, I nearly blew a gasket. I'm such a huge fan of the brand, having romped around in their stores in both NYC and Montreal, so was obviously thrilled that a shop would finally be arriving in my neck of this woods. This past Thursday evening, I was lucky enough to attend the Inglot Toronto Beauty Bloggers sneak peek event, where a group of fellow bloggers and I got to peruse the wares before the store was open to the public. How fun! We swatched, chatted, and gushed all evening long and, of course, brought some Inglot goodies home with us. 

The shop, conveniently located in Yonge-Dundas Square, was set up much like the other Inglot stores I've visited. One table was completely dedicated to their Freedom System, featuring all of their face, eye, and lip products that can be inserted into customized palettes. We really went to town on that table! Other shelves and tables housed Inglot's amazing nail colours, glitters and liners, and complexion perfectors. There certainly was not a lack of goodies to play with! 

The party was made sweeter by a delectable chocolate fondue fountain with fresh fruit. A nice touch, as I certainly don't get to feast on fondue just any day. 

There were also makeup artists on-hand creating stunning, artistic looks on some lovely models. Quite inspiring! 

We were lucky enough to receive a discount at the event, so I didn't hold back when it came to my selections. Here are my final picks lined up on my magnetic board, all of which will soon find homes in corresponding custom palettes. I selected 5 eye shadows, three blushes, a contour powder, and a highlighter (more on my picks in an upcoming post!). 

The beauty bloggers in attendance also got in on the makeup artistry action. Here's my pal Jenn from A Beautiful Zen getting some fierce teal-coloured brows applied with the artist's precision touch. I have to say, she totally rocked them! 

Not only was the event fantastic because of the fun demonstration and amazing array of products, it was also an absolute pleasure to spend time with my fellow beauty bloggers and get to totally geek out together. I got to meet some familiar faces for the first time. which is always a thrill, as well as solidify my position as a true makeup nerd and enabling master to some of my more established blogging friends. An excellent time was had by all! Here's one final shot of three of the Jen(n)s in attendance- we were everywhere! 

A huge thank you to Inglot Toronto for the invite to this event. It was truly a great time and any makeup fiend's dream! 

If you're in Toronto and would like to stop by the shop (you'd be silly not to!), it's located along the south side of Yonge-Dundas Square, right next to the Hard Rock Cafe. The staff is uber sweet and helpful and I'm confident they'd make your visit a good one!

Thanks for reading! xo


  1. It was lovely to see you at the event :) Can't wait to see your haul! I'm planning my second trip today, so we'll see, and cross my fingers not to blow anymore money on it!

  2. Sounds like a very great experience!
    Fabrizia – Cosa Mi Metto???

  3. I really think I need to go back for that liquid liner!! You're really tempting me with those blushes too.

  4. I wish I had time to stay for longer. :( I love Jenn's crazy brows. And also barely noticed there was a food table. I was so mesmerized by all the colours everywhere.

  5. Love the crazy brows on Jenn! And I need to try something from Inglot! I've heard loads about them. x

    Beauty Soup || UK Beauty Blog

  6. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! The whole eyebrow tinting thing reminds me of Hunger Games ;)

  7. Aaaah! Been wanting to own some Inglot e/s. Have an amazing day!

    INSTAGRAM @kennydaily

  8. I'm so excited that ingot is here in Toronto!
    I'm glad you girls had fun, you guys look amazing :)

  9. HAHA, love the last photo of the Jen(n)s. We need one for the Stephs too!
    Sounds like an exciting event gushing over new makeup with fellow friends/bbloggers!

  10. This sounds like an amazing event! Are you from Toronto too then? because so am I :P I wish I had gotten a blogger invite haha


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