Saturday 5 July 2014

Life Recently: Montreal Photo Diary, Part 1!

Hi, everyone, and happy weekend! As I alluded to in my last post, I skipped town over the Canada Day long weekend and headed to Montreal with my boyfriend. I had never been to Montreal (crazy, I know!) and was so eager to explore this historic city. Adam had been a few times previously, so he proved to be an excellent tour guide. We got to see a perfect smattering of sites that only whet my whistle and made me want to visit again sometime soon! We visited some beautiful locations, ate some ultra tasty food, melted in the humidity basked in the sunshine, and I even got to practice my French! I studied French all throughout high school and some in University, so visiting Montreal was a wonderful opportunity to speak en Francais, if only to order some coffee (je voudrais un cafe petit avec deux cremes, s'il vous plait)! I found the city to be truly bilingual, with much patience for my often French-English hybrid conversations. It was a wonderful thing!

I thought I'd share some of my favourite shots from the trip with you guys. So here's Part 1, featuring highlights from Saturday and Sunday!

After dinner Saturday evening, we arrived in Mount Royal park, just as the sun began to set. It was a beautiful sight! 

We met up with one of my boyfriend's best friends, who has lived in Montreal for some time. He took us on a lovely promenade through the park!

The statue at the entrance of the park made for a beautiful silhouette as the sun set!

We walked back to our AirBnB apartment through the McGill University campus. It has some beautiful old buildings!

More of McGill's incredible old buildings

Then we took a stroll down Rue Sherbrooke where we passed the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. What a stunner!

Sunday morning took us to Old Montreal, a portion of the city that was founded in the mid-1600s. The entrance had a lovely old fountain that I just needed to pose in front of ;)
Old Montreal selfie! ;)

The beautiful cobblestone streets of Old Montreal. I have never been to Europe, but I feel that this is the closest I've been to feeling like I'm abroad!

The streets had a wonderful Parisian feel and were lined with cafes, bistros, and bakeries. Yum!

The skies were beautifully blue that day, but man, was it hot! Just over 30 degrees Celsius. Eek.

After Old Montreal, we headed back up to Mount Royal Park, where there are always a plethora of activities taking place on Sunday afternoons. 

Each Sunday is Tam-Tams, a free festival that features craft vendors, live music, and an energetic drumming circle. It was peace and love all around!

Also in the park that day was a full-one LARPing session (live action role play, for those not acquainted with this nerdy, yet fascinating hobby), which involved many brave warriors battling each other (and the heat!) with foam weapons. It was quite the show!

After leaving the park we headed over for some shopping on St. Denis (where I made my Lush haul!). We saw some interesting buildings along the way, including this amazing example of vibrant graffiti work. Loved it!

So there you go! Shots from my first two days in Montreal. Hope you enjoyed taking a peek and look out for Part 2 tomorrow!

Have a wonderful weekend! :)


  1. Wow, Montreal is beautiful, I really want to visit it one day! And you look divine in that dress :)! I bet you had loads of fun.


    1. Thanks so much, Gita! Montreal was beautiful :)

  2. what a stunning city, it does look very European! Love your maxidress,

  3. i swear that gy w/ the yellow tshirt and drum is ALWAYS there. and i really wish i had taken the time to go see mcgills. so pretty!
    A Beautiful Zen

    1. Haha, he must be a Tam Tams staple :) Yeah, the campus was gorgeous!

  4. Never been to the city, but it looks beautiful through your lens!
    Thanks for sharing. :)

  5. Montreal is one of my dad's favorite cities, so we visited there several times when I was a kid. Your photos take me back!

    1. How nice! It was my first time in the city and I really fell in love :)

  6. OMG LARPERS!!! That is so fun! I am itching to travel to Montreal now. Thanks!

  7. Larping! Love it! I've only really been to Montreal when it's been snowing - so, a different kind of beautiful, but gorgeous, nonetheless. What a great way to spend the long weekend!

    1. Yeah, it was so fun! Montreal would be gorgeous in wintertime too :)

  8. Montreal looks so beautiful. Do they all speak French there or is it kind of 50/50 split?

    1. I found it to be very 50/50. I could use my rusty French and they were quite patient, but at least 90% of the people speak English as well. Other parts of Montreal are more French-specific, but Montreal was very accessible for English speakers :)

  9. that looks like such a pretty place!

    from helen at

  10. Montreal looks absolutely amazing, I'd love to go one day!

    Meg xo
    Meg Says | Health & Beauty, UK

  11. Beautiful photography! I have followed you. Love it!

  12. you look amazing, I love your blog, would you like to follow each other?

  13. Amazing pictures!
    Montreal is such a beautiful city...
    Glad you had fun :)

  14. Such beautiful shots, looks like you had a lovely time x

    Rebecca | morerebe

  15. The first photo is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING and I've been to Montreal before on a few guided trips but I'VE NEVER EVEN SEE THIS PORTION OF TOWN BEFORE??? ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!! Definitely going to agree with my friend the next time she says we need to go to Montreal

    1. Thanks so much, Vanessa! Mount Royal was such a lovely place to visit in the city :)

  16. Love it! I like to refer to Montreal as practice France, lol!


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